The study of learning achievement on the topic of the nervous system and sensory organs of 12th-grade students through group activities combined with The 5Es of Inquiry-Based Learning
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This research is an experimental study with the objective to investigate the learning achievement of 12th-grade students and to compare their learning achievements before and after the implementation of group activities combined with the 5Es of inquiry-based learning on the topic of the nervous system and sensory organs in the Biology subject, following the 2017 revised Basic Education Core Curriculum of 2008 (B.E. 2551). The sample group consisted of 32 students from the 12th-grade Science-Mathematics program at Wiangpapao Wittayakhom School during the first semester of the 2023 academic year. The sample was selected through purposive sampling. The research tools used were the lesson plans and the achievement test on the topic of the nervous system and sensory organs. The data was analyzed using the dependent sample t-test. The results showed that the mean score of the students' learning achievements in biology following the lesson on the nervous system and sensory organs, taught through group activities combined with the 5-step inquiry-based learning process, was significantly higher than it was prior to the lesson at the 0.05 level of statistical significance.
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