
  • Sipnarong Kanchanawongpaisan


This study delves into the advanced applications of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in modern quantitative research. SEM's versatility and power allow researchers to simultaneously examine multiple relationships and account for measurement errors, offering significant advantages over traditional regression models. This research highlights SEM's capacity to provide detailed and nuanced insights into complex constructs, particularly beneficial in social sciences, business administration, and psychology. A rigorous preparatory process is essential for the robustness and reliability of SEM models. This process includes defining the research problem, conducting a comprehensive literature review, developing a theoretical framework, identifying relevant variables, designing the study, and validating measurement instruments. Evaluating the measurement model fit using various indices, such as the Chi-Square Test, RMSEA, CFI, TLI, SRMR, GFI, and AGFI, ensures a comprehensive model accuracy assessment. The findings underscore the significant implications of SEM for advancing quantitative research methodologies. Researchers can enhance their studies' precision and explanatory power by leveraging SEM. This approach paves the way for exploring intricate relationships and contributes to developing sophisticated and reliable research techniques. This study provides an example process, valuable insights, and practical recommendations for researchers aiming to employ advanced statistical methods, ultimately leading to more robust and insightful findings in various research domains.


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