Community economic development through crop rotation: A case study of cassava cultivation in post-harvest rice fields in Ban Non Sawan community, Khok Takhian sub-district, Kab Choeng district, Surin province
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This research aimed to study 1) the community’s need for government agencies to support the development of the community economy through crop rotation and 2) the process of the community that has rotated crops and planted cassava in the rice field after the harvest season. This study is qualitative research. The key informants are sub-district farmers, community leaders, and people who plant cassava in the rice field after the harvest season, totaling 30 people. The research instrument was an interview form. The content analysis and descriptive presentation of the data were conducted. The research results found that 1) the development of the community economy through crop rotation is a potential approach to generate income for the community. However, for this operation to be successful, the community needs support from government agencies in many areas, including financial support, seedlings, and fertilizers, as well as knowledge about crop rotation, plant care techniques, and appropriate use of fertilizers and chemicals. 2) The process of the community that has rotated crops and planted cassava in the rice field after the harvest season found that grouping will result in division of labor, reduce the workload of each person, and increase employment opportunities in the community, cassava harvesting requires a lot of labor, grouping allows a large number of people to work at the same time, it helps to finish the harvest faster and promotes unity and good relationships among the people in the community, working together helps to build trust and interdependence in the community.
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