Public participation in preventing and reducing road accidents in Udon Thani Province
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This research aimed to study 1) the level of public participation in road accident prevention and reduction, 2) the factors affecting public participation in road accident prevention and reduction, and 3) the development of public participation in road accident prevention and reduction in Udon Thani Province. This study is mixed-method research. The sample group is 400 road users in Udon Thani Province. The key informants are 10 traffic officers. The research instruments are questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used for data analysis are frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis, and descriptive analysis. The results of the research found that 1) The level of public participation in road accident prevention and reduction in Udon Thani Province is at a moderate level. The ranking from highest to lowest is as follows: accident prevention, meeting to prepare a prevention plan, and accident information system development, respectively. 2) The factors affecting public participation in road accident prevention in Udon Thani Province are community participation and in terms of role awareness, respectively. 3) Guidelines for developing public participation in preventing and reducing road accidents in Udon Thani Province found that (1) there should be a clear policy and plan, (2) modern communication to seek accident information, (3) joint meetings from network partners to coordinate to reduce problems, (4) communication in applying technology, (5) implementing the Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Act, (6) operating the establishment of a Road Safety Center, (7) listening to opinions in making a plan together with the government, (8) repairing damaged roads and repairing various traffic signs, (9) having emergency medical services to provide services to the public in the event of an accident by linking to the network.
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