Good Governance Principles of Community Leaders and Social Development towards Thailand 4.0 in Udon Thani Province
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This research aimed to study 1) the level of community leaders’ good governance and social development, 2) the community leaders’ good governance that affects community leaders’ good governance and social development, and 3) the guidelines for developing community leaders’ good governance and social development towards Thailand 4.0 in Udon Thani Province. This study is mixed-method research. The sample group consisted of 400 people in Udon Thani Province. The key informants were government officials, public health officials, and 10 community leaders. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis, and descriptive analysis. The results of the study found that 1) the level of community leaders’ good governance and social development was at a moderate level overall. 2) The community leaders’ good governance that affected community leaders’ good governance and social development included the principles of participation, transparency, and value for money. and the rule of law, respectively. 3) Guidelines for developing the principles of good governance of community leaders and social development found that (1) participation in enacting laws, rules, regulations must be created or updated and fair and acceptable to society, and society must willingly comply with those laws and regulations. (2) Information on justice and equal treatment of everyone should be created or disclosed. (3) There should be transparency and accountability, and operations should be carried out within the framework of the law. (4) Creativity should be created by introducing innovation and applying scientific and technological principles to effectively develop society.
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