The Development Of Language Ability For Communication Througheducationalgames Of Autistic Students Grade 1 of Demonstration School Of Chiangrai Rajabhat University

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Suratchanin Pumanee
Ketsarin Sritana
Jutapon Bantawang


This research study is a study of the development of communication ability using the communication millionaire game of autistic students. Development of communication ability using the communication millionaire game of autistic students Comparison of communication ability using the communication millionaire game Before and after of autistic students and satisfaction with the use of millionaire communication games of autistic studentsThe target population used in education is 1 autistic student. 1 person who is studying in the 2nd semester of the academic year 2023, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University Demonstration School The research tool is a lesson plan. Daily communication Millionaire game communication word card / picture card

​The research found that the development of the ability to communicate in the student's name category is the most accurate in the 11th and 12th, 16 words. The development of the ability to communicate in the vocabulary category in the daily life of 16 words. Students read the most correctly in the 2nd, 7th, 8 words, 7 words, representing 43.75 percent and sentences in the daily life that students read the most correctly, including you .....Hello, thank you. Students read it correctly 6 times, accounting for 100 percent, and the sentences that students read the least correctly are eating or not? I'm hungry. Students read correctly 1 time, accounting for 16.66 percent. For the research results using observational communication skills, students can communicate at a moderate level, can understand the meaning of words and sentences, but cannot speak or communicate, can speak some words or some sentences.

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How to Cite
Pumanee , S. ., Sritana, K., & Bantawang, J. (2025). The Development Of Language Ability For Communication Througheducationalgames Of Autistic Students Grade 1 of Demonstration School Of Chiangrai Rajabhat University. KRURAJAPAK, 1(1), 32–42. retrieved from
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