About the Journal
Journal of Education, Language, and Cultural Studies (JELCS)
The Journal of Education, Language, and Cultural Studies (JELCS), produced by the Faculty of Education at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, is a biannual publication with two issues per year, including Issue 1 covering January to June and Issue 2 spanning July to December. JELCS supports scholars and researchers, both affiliated with and external to the institution, in presenting and disseminating scholarly works in education, language, and cultural studies.
The editorial board only considers original research articles that have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration by any other journal for inclusion in JELCS. Each article must be approved by the editorial board and pass a double-blind peer review conducted by expert reviewers in the relevant fields.
*Authors are welcome to submit their articles year-round. Articles that pass the review process and are published in the first three years (Issues 1 through 6) will receive an honorarium of 5,000 baht per article.