The Alternative Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Measurement: Neo-Essential Adjudicative Jurisdiction to Learning Society

Main Article Content

panaikorn boonkob
Kanijt Dhierasiddhangkura


This academic article is aimed to describe and contribute on the alternative dispute resolution & arbitration measurement before collateral estoppel jurisdiction with a view toward civil and transparently Thai society at large. Additionally, economic loss was from Hopewell Holding Corporation to Hopeless which was being symbolic of public policy conflict of interests toward administrative tort prosecution between state and private sector on adjudication. The impasse of this phenology event had been resolved with the alternative dispute resolution & arbitration for 29 years ago. Moreover, the crisis we were facing now has many surprises as pointed out throughout the structure of dual track economy in Thailand in which were reflected to the problem of corruption policy, civil livelihood, income allocation, ribbon development and human security and agricultural poverty.

          To conclude this academic article, it describes the implication of multi-dimensions disciplinary of neo-essential legal perspective dimension. Therefore, Thai society and a case study of public policy corruption orientation are proved the importance of legal instrument, alternative dispute resolution, negotiation & bargaining effectiveness and arbitration measurement implementation efficiency of neo-essential adjudicate jurisdiction so as to resolve civil & criminal lawsuits acceleration the long-life learning and knowledge based society.

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How to Cite
boonkob, panaikorn, & Dhierasiddhangkura, K. (2024). The Alternative Dispute Resolution & Arbitration Measurement: Neo-Essential Adjudicative Jurisdiction to Learning Society. วารสารนวัตกรรมการบริหารรัฐกิจและท้องถิ่น มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบุรีรัมย์, 2(1), 93–110. สืบค้น จาก
Author Biography

panaikorn boonkob, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
