Conflict of Interest between State and Community: A Case Study of Temple of Phra Viharn, Sisaket Province -

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panaikorn boonkob


          This article studied the relationship between nationalism and localism documentary paper and news report. The main objective was to determine whether the objectivity of news report is affected by the influence of nationalism. Moreover, the paradigm of conflict theory is describes on the phenomenon among Cambodia and Thailand in the boundary of the border zone on account of the controversial contention perceiving and argument distinction interpretation for an extended period. Furthermore, the conflict of interest is one of the hypotheses to assume misjudge from the central government and community with regard toward authentic resolution in obvious evidence. Specifically, Thai has been obsession on a viewing devolution to insert out the in-depth information based problem agenda; consequently, society troop is rejected the package of chaos and riot toward inequity approach. Sisaket Province is a buffer area to suppress the illness of defect civil culture and participative decision democracy with a view toward knowledge based society in the age of digital worldwide. In addition, a conflict of interest is a puzzle for the appropriate answer for Thai society and Thai orientation now and then. This paper is attempts to answer and recommend the optimal model and impasse of the cultural relationship between Thai and Cambodia through the conceptual framework synthesis. The analysis is involved four dimensions such as political, economic, social and cultural the dimensions to be comprehended and improved by the delegates for sustainable development and collaboration. According to this truth, the outcome of the Sisaket model has consisted of civil society, civil state, civil culture and civilization doctrine to make mutual judgment over the presence of Thai uniformity element in the national record. This paper found that the conflict of interest involving hidden agenda and excessive benefit related to the tourism industry and international acknowledgement area, described by Hegemony theory consequently. The case study is demonstrated the international conflict reflected state and community concern about the aggressive attention in action plan and PDCA: Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. In conclusion, it is cordially linkages a public policy implementation resulted into the objectivity and concrete outcome result for long-term resolution.

Article Details

How to Cite
boonkob, panaikorn. (2024). Conflict of Interest between State and Community: A Case Study of Temple of Phra Viharn, Sisaket Province: -. วารสารนวัตกรรมการบริหารรัฐกิจและท้องถิ่น มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบุรีรัมย์, 2(2), 164–188. สืบค้น จาก
Author Biography

panaikorn boonkob, ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
