Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

            In order to uphold the standards and the accuracy of publications in Journal of English Language and Linguistics (JEL), we hereby adhere to ethical statements based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Code of Conduct Guidelines for Journal Editors available at  In addition, we comply with the conditions that the following violations of the publication ethics must be strictly prohibited from publishing the article in the JEL:

  • The article related to plagiarism of other works and self-plagiarism.
  • The article with data fabrication and citation falsification.
  • The article that has already been published elsewhere.

Under this premilitary review of the journal, the article that constitutes one or more of these violations of its publication ethics must be immediately rejected, and in any case, it was found that the published article with any of these violations must be withdrawn from the journal.


Duties of Editors

  1. Editors will do everything to ensure the quality of article published in JEL.
  2. Editors must ensure that JEL’s peer-review process is fair and unbiased.
  3. Editors must make a decision to select the submitted article for publication in

JEL after passing the process of article evaluation by peer reviewers. The following aspects i.e. importance, newness, clarity, and content consistency with the policy of the journal are taken into serious consideration.

  1. Editors must ensure that the peer review process is carried out in a timely manner

by managing the process regularly in order to ensure that the author will not encounter undue long delays in receiving feedback on his / her article. 

  1. Editors will not publish the articles that have already been published


  1. Editors does not distribute authors' and peer reviewers' information to other

people who are not involved.

  1. Editors must not have conflicts of interest with authors and peer reviewers.
  2. Editors must avoid wrongdoing in the article publication regarding the

plagiarism and other works, self-plagiarism, duplicate submissions, data fabrication, and citation falsification.

  1. Editors must ensure that JEL's editorial board members agree on any changes

made in its format, scope and policy. The editors must also notify readers, authors, reviewers and other editorial board members of these changes.


Duties of Reviewers

  1. Reviewers of JEL must respect the confidentiality of the article and not disclose the information or ideas relevant to peer review to other persons who are not involved.
  2. Reviewers must provide a fair feedback on the article to the editor in a timely manner.
  3. Reviewers must evaluate the article relating to the fields in which they have expertise.
  4. Reviewers must not express their personal opinions and criteria without backing academic evidence to determine whether articles will be published or not.
  5. Reviewers must express their views clearly with supporting the article contents in accordance with the academic principles, provide the editor with useful comments and recommendations on how the article can be improved, and assess the article based on academic quality and standard.
  6. Reviewers must immediately notify the editor and decline to review any article in which they have conflicts of interest regarding their relationships between reviewers and authors or between their organizations connected with that article.
  7. Reviewers must advise the editor of any suspected misconduct relevant to the article they are providing a peer review regarding issues of plagiarism, data fabrication, duplicate submissions, and citation falsification.


Duties of Authors

  1. Authors must ensure that the submitted article for publication in JEL is entirely

 their original work that has not been previously published in any form or not to be under consideration for publication anywhere else.

  1. Authors must certify that the submitted article does not contain plagiarism of other works, self-plagiarism, data fabrication, duplicate submissions, and citation falsification.
  2. Authors must be responsible for writing their own article correctly according to the format specified in JEL. The final version of the article must be thoroughly edited and proofread by a native speaker of English before submission.  
  3. Authors whose names listed in the submitted article must participate adequately in conducting the research /academic work.