A study of translation strategies used in the translation of Walt Disney songs into Thai


  • Thanaporn Leelasoorayakan Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Pennapa Riabroi Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Jiraporn Dhanarattigannon Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand




translation, songs, syllables vs. words, translation strategies


Song translation poses a unique challenge for translators, requiring them to balance linguistic elements, cultural nuances, and musicality. This study aims to analyze the number of syllables and words of the English Walt Disney songs and their Thai translations and to examine the strategies used in the translation of Walt Disney songs into Thai. Nine Oscar-winning songs from Walt Disney’s animated films were analyzed, revealing that the Thai versions tend to have fewer syllables and words than the originals. In addition, of the seven translation strategies proposed by Lefevere (1975), six were identified in the translations, namely literal translation, metrical translation, verse to prose translation, rhymed translation, blank/free verse translation, and interpretation. Interestingly, interpretation emerged as the most frequently employed strategy, showcasing the creativity required in adapting songs to new linguistic and cultural contexts. This study may serve as a valuable reference for translators and contribute to further research in the field of translation studies.


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How to Cite

Leelasoorayakan, T., Riabroi, P., & Dhanarattigannon, J. (2024). A study of translation strategies used in the translation of Walt Disney songs into Thai. Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 5(3), 277–296. https://doi.org/10.62819/jel.2024.600