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Mohammad Ali Khaliji
Kamran Jafarpour Ghalehteimouri


In contemporary urban planning and management, the underestimation of citizen participation has led many individuals to believe they lack the power to influence the direction of their city and society as a whole. However, the role of women in advancing social and economic activities is pivotal. Women's talent and capacity for civic engagement are instrumental in propelling society forward in the knowledge age. Entrepreneurship and women's participation are essential development indicators. Social and economic studies on women's involvement in society reveal that social and cultural factors, along with society's varying expectations for men and women, pose significant barriers to women's participation. Against this backdrop, this research endeavors to delve into the functional participation of women in urban spaces. The study is categorized as applied research with a descriptive-analytical approach. It assesses four key sectors: economic, cultural, political, and social. Utilizing Pearson's test and path analysis, the research measures the impact of women's participation. The findings highlight that social participation boasts the highest level of engagement in the 20th district of Tehran Municipality, with an average score of 2.52, while political participation records the lowest, with an average of 1.65. Moreover, a robust relationship is observed between economic and cultural components, represented by a correlation score of 0.688. Notably, the social component exhibits the highest average critical value, reaching 3.89. This study underscores the significance of women's participation in shaping the dynamics of urban spaces and society as a whole, offering valuable insights into avenues for enhancing their involvement across various domains.

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