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Amalia Veleriano Balansag


      This paper explores the influence of neoliberalism on urban development and land market competition, analyzing the policies and economic concepts that have shaped cities in the 21st century. Neoliberalism, with its emphasis on free markets, deregulation, and limited government intervention, has been central to urban growth, fostering the expansion of global markets and the intensification of land competition. These policies have led to significant changes in how urban spaces are developed, particularly in developing countries where globalization and trade liberalization have driven rapid urbanization. However, the neoliberal approach has also contributed to increasing inequality, informal settlements, and the displacement of vulnerable populations, while exacerbating environmental degradation and resource scarcity. Through an analysis of neoclassical economics and its focus on market efficiency, this paper discusses the role of land market competition in shaping urban landscapes and the challenges cities face in balancing economic growth with social equity and sustainability. By examining the experiences of Southeast Asian countries and the global economic shifts, the paper provides insights into alternative policy approaches that could promote inclusive development while addressing the social and environmental challenges associated with neoliberal urban policies.

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Veleriano Balansag , A. (2024). NEOLIBERALISM AND POLICIES AND CONCEPTS IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND LAND MARKET COMPETITION. วารสารวิจัยและนวัตกรรมเพื่อความยั่งยืน (JRIS), 1(7), 48–64. สืบค้น จาก


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