An investigation into the beliefs of primary school teachers in Bhutan on written corrective feedback


  • Sonam Lhamo Hongtsho Primary School, Thimphu, Bhutan
  • Patchara Boonteerarak TESOL Department, The International College, Payap University, Thailand



Bhutanese primary teachers, teachers’ beliefs, written corrective feedback


For ESL students in English language classrooms, writing poses a challenge, where students commit numerous errors, however effective corrective feedback from teachers can aid improvement. Consequently, teachers must recognize their viewpoints on the best methods for providing written feedback.  In light of this, this study intended to ascertain the opinions of Bhutanese primary school teachers, specifically those who teach students in grades PP to VI, regarding written corrective feedback (WCF). The interaction hypothesis, which serves as the theoretical basis for this study, contends that classroom interaction, essential to language acquisition includes teachers’ corrective feedback. A questionnaire was distributed to ten English teachers to get more insight into their perspectives on WCF. The Likert Scale was employed to measure teacher’s responses to the closed-ended questionnaire. The results demonstrated that nearly everyone had favorable opinions about written corrective feedback on students' work. The results implied that to give teachers and students more knowledge and awareness of WCF, they should both have the chance to participate in training related to feedback. Hence, language teachers would be able to provide students with a suitable WCF to help students enhance their writing skills.


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How to Cite

Lhamo, S., & Boonteerarak, P. . (2024). An investigation into the beliefs of primary school teachers in Bhutan on written corrective feedback. Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 5(1), 55–70.