English Language: The Speaking Fluency of Primary Thai Students


  • Meena Thonkhong Hamilton Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus, Surin, Thailand
  • Wichan Artharo(Muanthong) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus, Surin, Thailand
  • Boonlue Sumethaso(Petchmak) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Surin Campus, Surin, Thailand




English language, primary Thai students, speaking fluency


In today's interconnected world, English fluency is a crucial skill that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries for Thai university students. This article explored the challenges they faced in achieving spoken English fluency by addressing linguistic, psychological, and pedagogical factors. The differences in pronunciation, intonation, sentence structure, and alphabet between Thai and English are barriers to overcome. Traditional lecture-centric approaches may hinder conversational skills, and class size limits personalized attention. It also advocates communicative teaching methods, emphasizing language as a dynamic tool for communication. Genuine linguistic interactions with native speakers can be facilitated through language exchange programs and cafés. Fluency is enhanced by multimedia such as movies, TV shows, and podcasts, but authentic English exposure is hindered by Thai-dubbed movies. The transformation of learning environments into supportive spaces, where mistakes are embraced as opportunities for growth, is crucial. Constructive feedback and collaborative activities foster confidence. In conclusion, this article aimed to guide educators and students by addressing challenges and proposing solutions. As communication across the globe grows, improving spoken English is both a personal achievement and a contribution to society.


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How to Cite

Meena Thonkhong Hamilton, Wichan Artharo(Muanthong), & Boonlue Sumethaso(Petchmak). (2024). English Language: The Speaking Fluency of Primary Thai Students. Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 5(1), 110–119. https://doi.org/10.62819/jel.2024.283