Using digital flashcards to improve English word reading skills in Thai primary school learners


  • Suwanan Longchin Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand
  • Somkiet Poopatwiboon Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand
  • Pilanut Phusawisot Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand



digital flashcard, Thai EFL primary learners, word reading skills


Numerous studies have investigated the effectiveness of digital flashcards for teaching word reading. Digital flashcards, among various educational tools, have gained popularity for enhancing word reading skills. This study investigated the effect of digital flashcards on English word reading skills among Thai primary students. Moreover, the study explored their perceptions towards the implementation of digital flashcards for word reading development. The study involved nineteen students aged 11 to 12. The research tools included a pre-test and post-test assessment of word reading skills and a perception questionnaire. A semi-structured interview was also conducted to gather deeper insights into the participants’ perceptions of digital flashcards. A pre-test was administered before the implementation of an eight-week instructional period with digital flashcards, followed by a post-test. Next, a perception questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were conducted. The findings suggested that digital flashcards effectively enhanced word reading skills among Thai primary school students. The perception questionnaire revealed that the participants held highly positive views on using digital flashcards. Qualitative data further supported the advantages of digital flashcards in word reading skills, offering insights for educators and recommendations for future research.


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How to Cite

Longchin, S., Poopatwiboon, S. ., & Phusawisot, P. . . (2024). Using digital flashcards to improve English word reading skills in Thai primary school learners. Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 5(2), 120–139.