English Teachers’ Awareness towards Sustainable Development Goals: Myanmar Context
Awareness, English teachers, Myanmar, Sustainable development goalsAbstract
Teacher sustainability involves teachers’ participation in activities or courses related to Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, university commitment to achieving a sustainable future through initiatives and activities that are mainly used to integrate sustainability issues into educational programmes is also very important. However, despite the gradually added experience of implementing on education aimed at achieving SDGs, factors that contribute to the associated learning outcomes at the institutional level are yet to be completely explored. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the individual and institutional-level factors connected with the desired learning outcomes in the areas of Sustainable Development Goals. The results highlight several considerations on awareness of English teachers to achieve a sustainable future in Myanmar that may develop the effectiveness of teaching and learning in these areas. Moreover, participants suggest the sources from which they obtained the knowledge they have on each topic. The obligation of Myanmar universities to a stronger integration of sustainability issues into educational programmes still requires to be expanded. As a result, there is a great need for forward-looking programs that will complete the quality education while going beyond the current goals. A future education program must explore how education systems should adjust to deal with new challenges and provide to peace and sustainable development. Finally, the study showed the requirements for awareness of English teachers and university obligation to achieve a sustainable