EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Team Teaching Experiences


  • Hassan Saeed Awadh Ba-Udhan Department of English, College of Languages and Arts, Seiyun University, Yemen




Peer Team teaching, EFL pre-service teachers, advantages and disadvantage, perception


This study aimed to investigate the perceptions of EFL pre -service teachers (PTs) towards the advantages and disadvantages of their peer team teaching(PTT) experiences. The sample consisted of 52 participants, with equal numbers of males and females, from the English Language Department of the College of Education at Seiyun University. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were employed to gather the data, including reflective reports and a questionnaire.These findings prove that PTT has numerous benefits for PTs. The five most common advantages included increasing confidence, correcting the mistakes of one another, preparing a better lesson plan, exchanging experiences, skills, and knowledge, and overcoming challenging situations in teaching. On the other hand, some PTs held negative opinions towards PTT. The five most significant disadvantages included disagreement among team members, reliance of some members on other members to do the work on their behalf, not following the lesson plan, late completion of the work due to disagreement among the team members, and unequal division of work among the members. The findings revealed that PTs’ perceptions of PTT’s advantages and disadvantages did not differ significantly based on gender. The researcher recommends that EFL PTs implement PTT during their preparation stage, as it has many benefits for PTs’ professional development.


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How to Cite

Ba-Udhan, H. S. A. (2023). EFL Pre-service Teachers’ Perceptions about the Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Team Teaching Experiences. Journal of English Language and Linguistics, 4(2), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.14456/jel.2023.11