To produce and disseminate research and academic articles in the social sciences, including business administration, management, accounting, marketing, human resource management, communication arts, economics, finance and banking, business computers, applied psychology, public administration, political science, law, administration, development, and education.

Subject Areas

  • Business Administration
  • Management
  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Management
  • Communication Arts
  • Economics
  • Finance and Banking
  • Business Computer
  • Applied Psychology
  • Public Administration
  • Political Science
  • Law
  • Administration
  • Development
  • Education

Types of Articles Accepted

  • Research articles
  • Academic articles

Review Process

  • The journal uses a double-blind peer-review process.
  • Three reviewers are assigned to each manuscript.
  • Articles from internal authors are reviewed by experts from outside the journal's organization.
  • Articles from external authors are reviewed by experts from inside or outside the journal's organization who are specialized in the field and from various institutions and have no conflict of interest with the authors.

Languages Accepted

  • English

Publication Frequency

  • Three issues per year
    • January–April
    • May–August
    • September–December


  • Journal of Public and Private Issues
  • No. 567 Moo 5, That Na Weng Sub-district, Mueang Sakon Nakhon District, Sakon Nakhon Province 47000, Thailand

Contact Information

Overall, the Journal of Public and Private Issues appears to be a reputable journal that publishes high-quality research in a wide range of social science disciplines.

Looking to the future, the journal could develop into an international journal by:

  • Increasing its visibility by indexing its articles in international databases.
  • Recruiting a more international editorial board.
  • Encouraging submissions from international scholars.
  • Publishing articles in English and other languages.