Author Guidelines

Guidance on preparing manuscripts for publication in JPPI journals

The JPPI Journal accepts two types of articles: research articles and academic articles. Details are as follows:

1. A research article refers to a short written work that reports the results of research that has been completed. which has never been published in any journal before, not exceeding 15 pages in length, with topics in the following order:

1.1 Title (size 18 points, bold type, centered on the page)

1.2 Name of author (Author) (size 14 points, normal type) in both Thai and English. Align the center of the paper under the title, leaving one line. Thai authors must include their first and last names without including the following words: (1) Title, such as Mr., Mrs., Miss, or Mr. Mrs. (2) Academic title, such as Dr. Prof. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prof. (3) Occupation designations such as doctor, female doctor, dentist, and Thai authors with royal titles. The royal title must be added to the end of the name using a comma between the name and the royal title. As for the ecclesiastical title To maintain its original form, such as Kukrit Pramoj, M.R.W.

1.3 Names of affiliated organizations (size 14 points, normal type), email addresses of all authors (*required), and telephone numbers of the person submitting the article. (In the case of a student, please specify the name of the thesis advisor and the organization you are affiliated with.) Also, include a check mark (*) after the name and email address of the corresponding author and align it in the center of the paper under the name of the author, leaving one line blank.

1.4 Abstract: The main points of the research article must be completely summarized. The importance, objectives, and research methods are discussed. The research results are not divided into sections. Must not exceed 350 words in length. Specify key words and keywords at the end of the Thai and English abstracts. There should be the same content in the abstract in both Thai and English. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.5 Importance of the Problem Mention the importance and reasons for conducting the research. You should also refer to various information, statistics, and other related research results to support writing about this topic. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). The content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.6 Objectives: State the aims of the research in order of importance. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.7 Conceptual framework of the research It should be made into a diagram. There are arrows connecting the relationships between the variables studied, such as independent variables and dependent variables, etc. (Topics use Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content size: 12 pt. (normal type)

1.8 Research methods include population and sample. Research tools Tool characteristics The quality of the tool, such as the confidence value, Discriminant power values, etc. Data collection, data analysis, or statistics used to analyze data (the topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.9 Research results are presentations of results or things obtained from sequence research, which may be displayed with tables, graphs, images, or charts for explanation. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.10 Discussion of results is a discussion of whether the research results meet the hypotheses set or not. and should cite theories or compare the experiments of others involved so that readers agree in principle or oppose existing theories, as well as demonstrate the applicability of the results and make recommendations for future research results. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.11 New knowledge It refers to the discovery or creation of new theories, concepts, models, or methods that provide a deeper understanding of society, behavior, and human relationships. This knowledge must have the following qualities: 1) Originality 2) body of knowledge, which may be presented as content. or a summary picture (the title uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.12 Suggestions: Contains suggestions for using research results. and suggestions for future research. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.
1.13 Acknowledgments (if any) express gratitude to the agencies that provide research funding. and research assistants (but not a research collaborator) (the topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

1.14 Reference documents Adhere to the criteria in points 4. and 6.

2. An academic article is a short piece of writing that aims to present knowledge, facts, views, and viewpoints, as well as new proposals that are the result of academic research. The content will be related to a specific subject area. The topics are listed as follows:

2.1 The title must be original in both Thai and English. Summarizes the main points of the written work completely. Must not exceed 350 words in length. Specify key words at the end of the Thai and English abstracts. in writing abstracts in both Thai and English. There should be matching content. (Same as the topic of the research article 1.1–1.4.) (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

2.2 Introduction: Write to attract the reader's interest in the subject. You can use various methods and techniques as the writer deems appropriate, such as using language that stimulates and motivates. The author may raise current problems. that were interesting at the time and come up for discussion, or he may mention the benefits that readers will receive from reading. In addition to being a part that is used to attract readers,. The introduction is where the writer states the purpose of writing the article. or provide clarification of the origin of the writing of that article, including the scope of that article. To help readers not exceed their expectations beyond the specified limits, it consists of principles and reasons. Background, or the importance of the story written Purpose of writing Scope of matter Definitions or various definitions with approximately 1-2 pages of content (topic uses Time New Roman font, size 14 pt., bold type, content uses size 12 pt., normal font)

2.3 Contents: Writing the story must use both science and art together. That is, in the areas related to sciences (sciences), there are academic principles that the writer must consider in writing, including the conceptual framework. The conceptual framework that the writer uses in writing must show the connection between cause and effect (a causal relationship). References to various information in the art section include the art of using language to present a story. written, sequenced, descriptive, reference methods, statistics, and various information used to compose the story written To make the readers understand and be most impressed. content must be consistent with the objective. This may include illustrations, charts, tables, or other forms of communication that readers can understand. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

2.4 Summary Section (Conclusion) Write a summary of the main points of the article. This may be done in an abbreviated manner, that is, by choosing to collect the main points of the article and write them together briefly at the end of the chapter or by using the method of telling. What is the importance of the results? What can it be used for? Or what will cause it to happen next? Or maybe use the method of asking questions or giving a concluding point to encourage the reader to investigate and seek knowledge. or invent and develop the matter further. Good writing should always be summarized in some way. (Topic uses Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type.). Content uses a size 12 pt., normal font type.

2.5 Reference documents (Reference) specify only those that appear in the content of the article correctly according to the prescribed format, namely writing a bibliography in APA (American Psychological Association) style (headings use Time New Roman font size 14 pt., bold type, content uses size 12 pt., normal type).

3. When inserting references into the content, use the author-date citation system and enter the page number cited. Separated by a symbol (,) enclosed in parentheses (), such as (Sippanon Ketthat, 1996, page 91), (Parker, 1991, p. 38), and (Brockner & Guare, 1994, pp. 35–36),

4. Tables and illustrations The table name must be placed above the table to the left, such as Table 1. Gridlines should not have columns (or vertical lines) unless necessary. As for the name of the picture, place it under the table, centered, such as picture...

5. References at the end of the article Provide a list of reference documents that appear in the article. Arrange in alphabetical order. Arranged from Thai, followed by English. Align left Reference writing format The bibliographic writing format is specified as APA 7 Edition (American Psychological Association), using the font TH Niramit AS, size 14 pt. Details and typing examples are as follows:.
* book
Name/Surname./(Year of publication)./Title./Place of publication:/Publisher.
Prayoon Bunchai. (2008). New English Guide Book 1: A book to enhance the English experience for primary school students.
//////// Primary 1. Bangkok: The Book.
Marshall, C., & Rossman, G. B. (1999). Designing qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
* Journal
Name/Surname (year of publication) Name of the article Name of the journal,year or volume (issue), page where the article was published.
Samran Pradupai. (1999). How does reducing the significance level affect the power of the test? Journal of Education, Naresuan University, 4(1), 69–74.
Mills, Colleen. (1994). Culture, communication style, and learning style in cross-cultural education: A case for
preparatory programs for students of business. Chulalongkorn Educational Review, 1(2), 4–24.
* Thesis
Name/Surname (year of publication)/Thesis title Thesis degree name/name of field of study/name of institution.
Phisamai Apaengphan. (2013). Development of a mathematics teaching model based on the learning concept.
ability and context-based to strengthen learning transfer ability and problem-solving ability.
//////// Mathematics and mathematics achievement of students in grade 5.
Doctor of Philosophy Thesis Field of Study: Educational Administration Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University.
Wilfley, D. E. (1990). Interpersonal analysis of bulimia: normal weight and obesity. (Unpublished doctoral
//////// dissertation). University of Missouri, Columbia, U.S.
* Electronic media
Name/Surname./(Year of publication)./Title./Source (if any)./(day, month, year searched) from/URl.
Weeraphong Lueprasit. (2016). Accepting quality management throughout the organization. Retrieved October 20, 2017 from
Harris, R. (1997). Encouraging students to use technology. Retrieved October 20, 2017 from
* Meeting reports, seminar reports
Responsible person (year of publication) Title of meeting report or seminar report: day, month, year Place of printing:
Office of the National Education Commission. (1999). Report of an academic seminar on the path to reform.
//////// Thai Education No. 4, New Century of Thai Higher Education: Lessons from Higher Education Reform in Countries.
4 August 1999. Bangkok: Office of the National Education Commission.
Dawkins, J. (1991). Australia’s language: The Australian language and literacy policy. Canberra: AGPS.
Sorting reference documents Arrange them in order of letters and vowels. and according to the number of authors. In the case of the same author, arrange by year.
Printing the first line of each reference document The first letter is one inch from the left edge of the paper. Line
The second and following lines are indented with 8 characters (8 spaces) left from the first letter of the author's name. (Start typing at letter level 9)
6. Page setup Use the following font style and positioning:
printed on one side of A4 white paper (or 8.5 inches by 11 inches), printed front-back (justified) with the MS Word program.

Set up the page as follows:
          -Top 1.5 inches                 -Bottom 1.00 inches
          -Left 1.00 inches,              -Right 1.00 inches