Developing a strategic management guideline on self-study Chinese writing for the fourth-year students majoring in Chinese language and literature at Lingnan Normal College, China


  • Wang Danli Dhonburi Rajabhat University
  • Nipaporn Khamcharoen Dhonburi Rajabhat University


strategic management guideline, self-study Chinese writing, Chinese language and literature, Lingnan Normal College


This article's goals were to (1) look into the needs and issues of fourth-year Chinese language and literature students who study writing on their own, and (2) come up with a strategic management guideline for these students. The respondents in this research were 311 students and 25 teachers obtained through random sampling at Lingnan Normal College. Additionally, the focus group discussion meeting involved the use of the three specials. The research instruments employed in this study were questionnaires and a focus group discussion meeting. We analyzed the collected information and data using the content analysis method and presented the results in terms of frequency, mean values, and standard deviation. The study yielded the following findings: The self-study Chinese writing problems and needs of the fourth-year Chinese language and literature majors at Lingnan Normal College were all ranked at the "Highest" level. 2) The developed self-study Chinese writing for the fourth-year students majoring in Chinese language and literature, the Strategic Management Guideline, comprises 5 units. Three experts looked at all five units and gave them IOC values of 1.00, which means that the strategic guidelines that were made were good enough to be used to help fourth-year Chinese language and literature majors at Lingnan Normal College improve their writing on their own.


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How to Cite

Danli, W., & Khamcharoen, N. (2024). Developing a strategic management guideline on self-study Chinese writing for the fourth-year students majoring in Chinese language and literature at Lingnan Normal College, China. Journal of Public and Private Issues, 1(6), 290–303. retrieved from



Research Articles