Developing the academic administration guidelines on reducing learning stress for students in the faculty of physical health of Aba Normal University


  • Zou Xiaoqian Dhonburi Rajabhat University
  • Nipaporn Khamcharoen Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Thailand


academic administration, administration guidelines, learning stress, reducing learning stress


This article aimed to investigate the problems and needs related to reducing learning stress for students in the faculty of physical health. The second objective was to create guidelines for academic administration that focus on reducing learning stress among students in the faculty of physical health. The samples were 264 students, 33 teachers, and 20 administrators. The samples were obtained through stratified random sampling at the Faculty of Physical Health of Aba Normal University center, serving as a case study. The research instruments were questionnaires. Three experts reviewed and validated the questions. The IOC provided the valuation methodology. We used statistics for data analysis, which included frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. The research results were found as follows: 1) The issue of reducing learning stress among physical education students in higher colleges was identified. The opinions of students are at the highest level (4.57). The challenges of reducing learning stress for physical education students in higher colleges are significant. The opinions of teachers/ administrators are at the highest level (4.64). 2) The need to reduce the learning stress associated with physical education is evident. Students in higher colleges, in students’ opinions, are at the highest level (4.56). Teachers' and administrators' opinions about the need to reduce learning stress among physical education students in higher colleges are at the highest level (4.65). 3) They develop the academic administration guidelines on reducing learning stress for students in the faculty of physical health at Aba Normal University, which comprises five parts. The academic administration guidelines in five parts include: 1) physical education students of higher colleges in China. 2) Current learning stress for physical education students in higher colleges. 3) The ideal learning status for physical education students in higher colleges. 4) Developing academic administration guidelines for reducing learning stress for physical education students in higher colleges. 5) Implementation of development measures and feedback mechanisms.


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How to Cite

Xiaoqian, Z., & Khamcharoen, N. (2024). Developing the academic administration guidelines on reducing learning stress for students in the faculty of physical health of Aba Normal University. Journal of Public and Private Issues, 1(6), 263–276. retrieved from



Research Articles