Constructing guidelines to enhance the quality of human resource management at Guangxi University of Finance and Economics


  • Zhang Hengming -
  • Nipaporn Khamcharoen Dhonburi Rajabhat University, Thailand


human resource management, quality enhancement, guideline construction, performance evaluation, compensation and benefits


The problems of this research were that the teachers in vocational colleges didn’t have digital skills, so this study will find the way to enhance digital skills for teachers. This article aimed to 1) investigate problems of students, teachers, and administrators in vocational colleges for enhancing digital skills; 2) investigate needs of students, teachers, and administrators in vocational colleges for enhancing digital skills; and 3) develop a strategic guideline for enhancing digital skills for teachers in the vocational college of Guangxi Vocational University of Agriculture. And the sample was divided into 2 groups, namely 1) 392 students and 2) 316 teachers and administrators. The stratified random sampling technique selected them. The instrument for collecting data was the questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research yielded the following results:  1) The problems and needs for enhancing digital skills for teachers in Guangxi Vocational University of Agriculture are at the "highest" level; 2. All 8 units were assessed by 3 experts and presented with IOC values. All 8 units assessing and having IOC values from 0.67 to 1.00 means that the strategic guideline for enhancing digital skills for teachers in the vocational The College of Guangxi Vocational University of Agriculture is acceptable; it can be used as  a strategic guide for teachers in the vocational college of Guangxi Vocational University of Agriculture to enhance digital skills.


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How to Cite

Hengming, Z., & Khamcharoen, N. (2024). Constructing guidelines to enhance the quality of human resource management at Guangxi University of Finance and Economics. Journal of Public and Private Issues, 1(6), 304–316. retrieved from



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